Financial and Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Amish

Did you know there are many lessons you can learn from the Amish? From cooking to working and more learn how they live…

22. A Photographic Memory

Amish Money Lessons

Gabor Kovacs Photography/Shutterstock

As you might imagine, there is no Twitter in the Amish world! Or any other social media account for that matter, since they do not use technology. However, did you know that they do not allow paintings of people either? We can all agree brushes and canvas aren’t exactly modern. So, why can’t they use them?

It’s not because they don’t love art. The contrary: many Amish are accomplished musicians and writers. Instead, the Amish acknowledge that, after a loved one passes away, the Amish have nothing but their memories to remember them. Because they consider having a picture or a painting of any individual as a graven image, they do not allow it.

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