Celebrities Who Actually Know How To Handle Their Money and Invest Wisely

From George Clooney to Oprah, see all the best celebrity investments of all time!

13. Jared Leto

Good Money Celebs


Jared Leto is one of the most famous actors and singers in Hollywood today. However, did you know that Leto is also a prolific startup investor? In fact, he told CNBC that he’s “an aggressive investor,” and, looking at his investment history, it looks like he’s made some great choices!

For instance, Leto invested in Nest long before Google purchased back in 2014 for a staggering $3.2 billion. Not only that, but Leto also invested early in both Airbnb and Uber. Only one opportunity slipped through his fingers: he met with Instagram just days after they met with Facebook. “They were looking around and giggling,” Leto said. “And I said, ‘What’s so funny?’”

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