Celebrities Who Actually Know How To Handle Their Money and Invest Wisely
From George Clooney to Oprah, see all the best celebrity investments of all time!
24. Madonna
Madonna has proven to be not just the Queen of Pop, but also the Queen of Investing! Madonna fell in love with Vita Coco coconut water while touring, so she decided to join Demi Moore, Matthew McConaughey, and a few others, investing millions into the company.
In 2017, the celebs almost cashed in the company, when Vita Coco offered itself for sale to Pepsi for $1 billion. Unfortunately, Pepsi just wasn’t willing to pay that much. Still, Madonna’s $1.5 million investment is safe, as the company is worth over $2 billion, according to one 2019 evaluation. Meanwhile, Madonna holds on to her incredible, $850 million net worth.
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