The Mind-Blowing Net Worth of Major Celebrities

Ever wonder what the net worth of celebrities like Oprah, Dennis Roadman, Jay Leno, Jessica Simpson, Ron Howard, and more are? Find out on the Finance Chatter!

Ron Howard – $200 Million Net Worth

A-List Stars Net Worth

Georges Biard/Wikimedia Commons, Business Insider, Complex

It only takes one great movie for a director’s career to take off. In director Ron Howard’s case, almost all of his productions have turned into major successes. However, as you might remember, Howard started his entertainment career as a child actor. Back then, the filmmaker starred on The Journey, The Andy Griffith Show, and The DuPont Show, among many others.

Howard’s directorial debut came in 1977 on the low-budget film Grand Theft Auto. The film hit off really well, carving Howard’s pathway to becoming one of the greatest filmmakers in history. While also maintaining a long-lasting marriage, and being a devoted father of four, Howard was certainly done well as he’s worth a whopping $200 million as of 2020.

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