Discover The Easiest Life Hacks with Everyday Objects
Did you know that some of the greatest life hacks in the world can be completed with just a few everyday objects? That’s right. Read on to find out how…
Tweezers When You Need Them Most
There’s nothing worse than needing a pair of tweezers and not having them. Those little tools can be a real lifesaver! From plucking out a few missed hairs after a shave to removing stubborn splinters, there’s little they can’t do. However, despite their usefulness. Why? Well, you can use some everyday objects to make a pair of tweezers, that’s why!
You just need three coins of the same size, though quarters seem to work best as they’re large enough to get a good grip. Place them on top of each other, and then move the middle coin back a little, as seen in the photos above. Suddenly, you have your own pair of tweezers!
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