Discover The Easiest Life Hacks with Everyday Objects

Did you know that some of the greatest life hacks in the world can be completed with just a few everyday objects? That’s right. Read on to find out how…

A Spoon Does The Trick

Pop Sugar

Most of life’s troubles only have one or two life hacks to solve them. However, the number of life hacks to help you open a stubborn jar is nearly endless – and for good reasons! While we’ve come up with everything from can openers to the jaws of life, we’ve still never invented a gadget that can help us open jars. Thankfully, if you don’t have a roll of duct tape, you can just use a spoon!

Take the spoon, and use it as a lever to pry open the lid a bit before twisting it open. For particularly stubborn lids, loosen it in multiple places before opening it. Just, please don’t use your fingernails for this…

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