Discover The Easiest Life Hacks with Everyday Objects
Did you know that some of the greatest life hacks in the world can be completed with just a few everyday objects? That’s right. Read on to find out how…
A Refreshing Recipe
Does your nose get clogged often? Well, this little life hack will not only save you time, but money as well! To begin, boil one liter of water – safely, as always. Then, remove the water from the heat and mix in two to three tablespoons of Vick’s Vapor Rub, stirring until the two are well-combined. Finally, free the water in an ice cube overnight.
Now, the next morning, simply take one of the ice cubes and put it at the bottom of your shower when you take a shower. You’ll be feeling better in no time, you’ll save time by clearing your nose in the shower, and, finally, this method will stretch your Vick’s Vapor Rub, saving you plenty of cash. Triple win!
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