Discover The Easiest Life Hacks with Everyday Objects

Did you know that some of the greatest life hacks in the world can be completed with just a few everyday objects? That’s right. Read on to find out how…

Plug It In


For anyone who hasn’t got a private mansion far away from everyone else noise from the neighbors or the people outside can sometimes be a bit of an issue. And then you get the not so original idea of getting yourself a few ear plugs and use them. But ear plugs are one of those things which never seem to fit the way you want them to. What can we do about this?

This one is going to be pure genius. You pop them into a few straws and then place them in the freezer. When the noise starts you open the freezer and instead of pulling out and ice cream like you normally do you take out the earplugs and now they will be a better fit for your ears.

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