These Pet Shaming Signs Are Guaranteed To Make You Laugh

Sometimes, you need to teach your pet a lesson. So many have turned to posting their funny pet shaming signs online – and they are guaranteed to make you laugh!

Waking Up Feeling Fresh


Who doesn’t love it when their pet jumps into their bed in the morning and greets them with a warm, loving kiss? There’s nothing better than waking up to all the joy of your dog or cat. Sadly, this mischievous one has something else entirely in mind. Instead of waking up mom with a kiss, he wakes her up with a nasty present that no one wants.

Of course, it could be that this little doggo simply misunderstood. He heard that mommy wanted a “surprise” in the morning and happily obliged. That’s definitely not what dad meant, however. It might be time to re-enroll in puppy school!

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