The Secrets and Riches of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family

Find out how Meghan Markle, the Queen, and the rest of the royal family make their money and what they spend it on!

A Look Inside the Royal Finances

Royal Family Secrets Net Worth

Lorna Roberts/Shutterstock

While the British Royal Family have multiple sources of income, they aren’t as rich as most might expect. What’s more, media outlets report that the royals fortune is a nice chunk of change, but over 320 other Brits are richer than them. Still, we’re talking about a staggering amount of money, plus the physical assets they own.

The Queen and the heir to the throne, Prince Charles, make most of their income from the government and their private estates. As one might expect, millions trickle down to the rest of the royals, including the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle also receive monthly royal funds. Let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how royal finances work…

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