Mystery Illness Plagues Indiana Woman For Years Before Home Contractors Reveal The Truth
For years and years, a mystery illness plagued an ordinary mom from Indiana. After a decade, someone finally discovered the source, but it wasn’t a doctor…
Realizing What Had Gone Wrong
As it turned out, whoever installed the water heater did not install the pipes correctly. As a result, this caused a leak of small amounts of carbon monoxide into the entire house. Carbon monoxide, a clear, odorless, poisonous gas is widely known as “the silent killer.”
For more than ten years, deadly carbon monoxide had been silently and lethally leaking into their home environment and slowly making Wilson sicker and sicker. “I was shocked,” Wilson told Inside Edition in an interview. Furthermore, if the workers hadn’t found the source of the issue, the CO poisoning would have likely killed her and possibly other family members.
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