TV Anchor and Presenter Mistakes That Will Go Down In History

TV anchors and weatherpeople make more mistakes than you realize. See the best presenter and meteorologist bloopers that viewers will remember forever!

Teens Are Doing What?

News Anchor Bloopers

The New Deal/YouTube

Many are still unsure if the following blooper was a Freudian slip, misread, or a mess-up at all! Whatever the truth, Virginia’s WDBJ7 Holly Pietrzak earned one of the greatest news anchor bloopers of all-time by accidentally slipping in an “F” bomb where it did not belong.

The news anchor became a viral Internet sensation after saying, “Well, more kids are having f**k – or are having “luck” rather in finding summer jobs.” While Pietrzak calmly continued through her F-word faux pas, the damage had already been done. Thankfully, after an on-air apology the next day, everyone forgave the news anchor. Still, her slip-up is undoubtedly one of the record books!

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