TV Anchor and Presenter Mistakes That Will Go Down In History

TV anchors and weatherpeople make more mistakes than you realize. See the best presenter and meteorologist bloopers that viewers will remember forever!

Some Unscripted Canoodling

News Anchor Mistakes

Adam Lee/YouTube

Sometimes, a news anchor can blame the teleprompter for their bloopers. However, sometimes, its a flubbed adlib, and the anchor can blame no one but themselves. Like this Canadian news anchor who said awkwardly segued into the weather forecast by saying, “maybe we can canoodle before you get into it” to his female co-anchor. Needlessly to say, she felt shocked and instantly rejected the offer.

In the subsequent discussion, the anchor confessed that he apparently though the definition of “canoodle” meant to chit-chat, not snuggle. Uhuh, sure, buddy. Of course, as the discussion continued, the anchor begged for the segment to be over. “Take it away, get me off-camera,” he embarrassingly pleased.

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