TV Anchor and Presenter Mistakes That Will Go Down In History
TV anchors and weatherpeople make more mistakes than you realize. See the best presenter and meteorologist bloopers that viewers will remember forever!
Giraffe Won’t Take No for An Answer
As any news reporter can tell you: while live television is always challenging, real animals make it so much more so! Sometimes, even an animal as adorable as a giraffe can become wholly unpredictable and make field reporters think on their feet. Just ask Ashley Jacobs!
Jacobs was reporting live from the San Diego Safari Park when a baby giraffe decided to get a little too friendly with the journalist. While Jacobs kept trying to push the baby giraffe away from her, it simply refused to stop showing the anchor some love with gentle nuzzles, while also trying to eat her mic! Meanwhile, everyone could hear her co-anchors back in the studio gigging at the unfortunate situation.
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