The States Americans Don’t Want To Live In Anymore (And Where They’re Moving To!)

See which states in the US people are moving out of most and why they’re leaving: from jobs to retirement!


States People Are Leaving States People Are Moving From

randy andy/Shutterstock

Believe it or not, Nevada has its neighbor California to thank for its growing population. In recent years, studies have consistently shown that there’s a mass exodus of Californians moving to Nevada. And the low-cost of living in the state has a lot to do with it. For instance, Henderson, a suburb in Las Vegas, has become one of the fastest-growing communities in the US.

What’s more, about 53% movers between 2013 and 2017 came from California. Some of the reasons many people chose this state are due to the lower cost of living, less traffic, and business opportunities. Furthermore, the average cost of a home in Las Vegas is around $249,000 compared to the $636,000 in Los Angeles.

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