The Biggest Tattoo Fails Ever

Have you ever seen a tattoo that you thought was the worst ever? Well, it had nothing on these. Discover the biggest tattoo fails of all time…

A Not So Bright Star

The Daily Stuff

This is what happens when you grow up after a face tattoo. Just look at this woman, who seems incredibly unhappy with the stars all over her face. Maybe it seemed like a good idea at the time, and thought the stars would make her even cuter than before. Unfortunately, it had the opposite effect…

When the dust settled, the woman realized that not only did she have a ton of stars tattooed on her face, but she had kissed most reasonable jobs away. Perhaps it wasn’t a great idea to embark on this journey across the stars. Of course, bad tattoos aren’t the only poor decisions you can make in life. You could also lose all your money! Read on to see the worst ways sports stars lost all their money.

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