These TV Anchor Slips Were Caught On Camera And Remembered Forever
Discover the most infamous and hilarious television anchor bloopers of all time, from the United States, Canada, and around the world!
The Perfect Perch
Many people think local news is for the birds, not providing much more than simple entertainment. And San Diego news station KFMB did not do much to change this perception when they had a little animal snafu on air. Anchor Nichelle Medina was simply reporting on an up-and-coming addition to the San Diego Zoo when one of the guests decided to waltz on-air, unannounced. And that guest was none other than 10-year-old Sophie, a scarlet ibis.
Incredibly, Sophie flew right into the live shot, almost taking out one of Medina’s eyes, before perching ontop her head. Then, just moments later, it took off again, this time in the direction of Medina’s co-anchor, Eric Kahnert. Thankfully, after another few seconds, the animal trainer managed to gain control of the bird. But with inch long sharp talons, this situation could have turned nasty!
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