These TV Anchor Slips Were Caught On Camera And Remembered Forever

Discover the most infamous and hilarious television anchor bloopers of all time, from the United States, Canada, and around the world!

More of a Dog Person

News Anchor Mistakes

Fox 8, rmcculloch/YouTube

As you might imagine, live television and live animals rarely miss. Just ask WJW Fox 8 news anchor Kathleen Cochrane. During a segment on a couple convicted of animal abuse, producers, for whatever reason, thought it would be a good idea for Cochrane to hold an adorable cat. Well, it was not such a great idea…

The moment the segment began, the hit started growling and squirming to get away from Cochrane. Then, as she holds on, the cat actually claws the news anchor right in the face! Ouch, that must have hurt! Cochrane ended the segment by saying, “Obviously, I’m not a cat person!”

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