These TV Anchor Slips Were Caught On Camera And Remembered Forever

Discover the most infamous and hilarious television anchor bloopers of all time, from the United States, Canada, and around the world!

Extreme Reporting

News Anchor Mistakes


Lee Valsvik, an NBC anchor, was reporting live from Minneapolis sports bar Union Bar & Grill when somehow the segment got a little too violent. What’s more, her cameraman thought it would be hilarious to sack the reporter from behind in a mock football play. Well, it wasn’t such a good idea…

He slammed into the reporter, and she went flying onto a nearby table, knocking off plates and glasses and knocking over a chair. While she never saw it coming, Valsvik was a good start about the entire ordeal. In fact, she could be heard shouting, “I’m ok!” in the background. Thankfully, the news station later confirmed that she wasn’t injured in the incident.

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