Two Brothers From Michigan Finally Find Oak Island Treasure

For years, the Oak Island treasure remained undiscovered and even cursed! But now two brothers from Michigan have solved the island’s biggest mysteries…

Life it’s a Treasure Hunt

Rick Lagina Morty Lagina Discovery Channel

History Channel/YouTube

Rick Lagina is convinced it’s quite simple, “There’s a story to be written up here. Treasure, perhaps, but it’s a truly wonderful story from a long time ago. Every day it feels like we’re turning a page of a really good book. I still believe.”

Rick and Marty are committed and passionate about the search. As Rick puts it, “To me, life’s a treasure hunt. We’re all on one in our own different way, and we happen to be on a real one right now. But really, life is about reaching your goals and that’s what we always try and do.”

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