A Single Photo Turned This Young Pole Vaulter’s Life Upside Down
When a photographer snapped a picture of young pole vaulter Allison Stokke, they had no idea the image would go on to turn her entire life upside down…
Beloved By Brands
First, Nike approached Stokke, and it became the first company the former pole vaulter decided to work with. The first photos she professionally snapped were showing off Nike’s new summer collection in 2012. The same year, sportswear company Athlea also hired Stokke for some work. She was becoming a regular model!
By 2016, Stokke had also started working with Uniqlo, a Japanese retailer with a long tradition of making some of the coolest athleticwear. Once again, Stokke had become famous throughout the world, but in her own way and on her own terms! And the work would only continue to come!
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