Struggling Mom Wins Lottery, Then Loses It All To Her Pastor

This woman thought that winning the Powerball Lotto would be a great gift. Instead, she discovered it was a curse…

Marie Holmes Lotto Winner

OWN/YouTube, Pleasant Hill Church

Almost all of us have dreamed about winning the lottery. Even though the chances are 302.6 million to one, its incredibly fun to daydream. We plot out how we’d spend our lotto winning: new cars, homes, vacations around the world, maybe even a whole pool of cash. Certainly, after winning the lottery, one should never have to worry about money ever again.

However, that’s not always the case. Take single mother Marie Holmes, a young woman from North Carolina, for instance. When she won nearly $200 million in the lottery, she thought she’d achieve all her dreams. Instead, her life turned into a nightmare, all thanks to one local pastor. Soon enough, Holmes wished she had never won the lotto…

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