Financial and Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Amish

Did you know there are many lessons you can learn from the Amish? From cooking to working and more learn how they live…

16. Tradespeople

Amish Money Lessons

Ad Meskens/WikimediaCommons

While most people assume most Amish men perform simple farm work, that assumption couldn’t be more wrong. Many Amish individuals are skilled tradesmen, and they are responsible for building furniture, metal manufacturing, and housing construction.

While most of what the Amish build is not permissible in Amish homes, they still know how to handle what the outside world needs. Furthermore, Amish tradespeople take great pride for their outstanding work and turn out pretty incredible products that are in high demand across the globe. And because of their products’ high quality, they sell their goods at high prices and make a significant profit.

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