Financial and Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Amish

Did you know there are many lessons you can learn from the Amish? From cooking to working and more learn how they live…

36. Everyone Brings Something To The Table

Amish Money Lessons


While having friends or extended family come over for a big homemade meal is a great way to create incredible memories around the dining table, it also tends to cost a lot of money, even if the meal is homemade. Unfortunately, that’s the only downside, except for the Amish community. So, this Amish tip can help you save money on your next dinner party.

Taste, from Home Magazine, writes that the Amish community tends to have a big meal weekly with “the church community or extended family for Sunday suppers.” So, on this particular occasion, everyone brings something to the table. This way everyone can have a proper meal, without spending a lot of money.

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