Financial and Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Amish

Did you know there are many lessons you can learn from the Amish? From cooking to working and more learn how they live…

35. There Are No Leftovers

Amish Life Lessons


Most people are unaware of this, but according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food waste is estimated to be between 30 and 40 percent of the overall food supply in America. While that’s a lot of food to waste, it is also a lot of money literally thrown right into the garbage.

However, as mentioned before, in the Amish community, that statistic is much lower. And it has to do with the fact that Amish parents have little, if not zero tolerance, for picky eaters. Furthermore, ever since they are babies, Amish children are taught to eat whatever they put on the table. Of course, this cuts back the food waste and how much money parents have to spend to bring food to their table instead of in the trash can.

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