These Athletes Have Lost Their Jobs And Their Millions

From Colin Kaepernick and Michael Vick to O.J. Simpson and Evander Holyfield, see the richest athletes in the world who are now broke on The Finance Chatter!

Raghib Ismail – Bad Investments

Athletes Who Went Broke

South Bend Tribute

Raghib “Rocket” Ismail is another of the many NFL athletes who went broke. For those who might not know, Ismail played for the Canadian Football League for two years before coming down stateside and playing for NFL teams for another decade. Over his successful career, Ismail earned an estimated $20 million! However, that didn’t stop him from losing it all.

After Ismail decided to enter retirement, he figured it would be a great idea to enter the world of business. Well, as it turns out, it wasn’t. You see, Ismail made many different investments after his NFL career, from hone card dispensers to cosmetic procedures, almost all of which turned out poorly and led to bankruptcy.

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