These Athletes Have Lost Their Jobs And Their Millions

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Keith Gillespie – Gambling Debts

The Telegraph

For some, like former Manchester United player Keith Gillespie, find the high life too intoxicating. After hitting it big on the field in the ’90s, Gillespie’s life filled with gambling, fighting, and excess thanks to his juicy footballer salary. All that came crashing down in 2010, when the player found himself totally out of cash. Now, Gillespie helps and warns others not to become broke athletes.

“Footballers [like me] tend to act before they think,” Gillespie said recently. “Gambling was my biggest vice, a secret I kept from my wife, Vicky, but one day she opened a bank statement and was shocked by what she saw. This was just after my first daughter was born, and Vicky was extremely angry. I later went on to file for bankruptcy. I had a wife and three kids, I had many responsibilities.”

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