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Jonny Neumann – Poor Spending Habits

Mississippi Today

Jonny Neumann, a small forward-shooting guard, made the game of basketball look easy. Neumann could do it all on the court, especially as a scorer during his one-of-a-kind sophomore season at the University of Mississippi. At the age of 19, he was, suddenly, one of the highest-paid athletes in all of sports. Despite this, Neumann sent money like it grew on trees!

His big first purchase? A Pantera sports car. He then bought an El Dorado Cadillac, Jaguars, BMWs, and Mercedes Benz. Declaring bankruptcy, his ex-wife, Carolyn, said she had about 25 cents to her name. I was a young, arrogant spoiled kid, and I didn’t listen. I was my own worst enemy,” he later said.

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