Archeologists Uncover A Girl From Two Different Species

This is the story of that mysterious girl who many thought should not exist. However, the evidence speaks for itself! Meet the girl from two different species…

Challenging The Status Quo

The Evening Standard

As it turns out, Neanderthals, Denisovans, and even Homo sapiens felt quite happy to mate with each other. When hominids started making their way out of Africa and Asia, they would have certainly come across one another and interbred. Katerina Harvati-Papatheodorou at the University of Tübingen says that it might very well have to do with survival strategies. “Human groups were very small and vulnerable to drastic mortality,” she explained to New Scientist. So, they would have mated with other humanoids, hoping to carry on their species in any way possible.

Today, we know that almost all Europeans and Asians have around 2% Neanderthal within them – irrefutable evidence that early humans mated with Neanderthals. While scientists initially thought these hybrids all died, Denny changed all that. Now, we know that Denny wasn’t even the only survivor of inter-species breeding!

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