The Most Hilarious Gym Photos You Will Ever See

Everyone knows going to the gym is not easy, but these people make it seem downright impossible. Discover the most hilarious gym photos ever snapped!

Post-Workout Doughnuts

Funniest Gym Photos

Bored Panda

How much more ironic can it get than sweating out in the gym only to munch on a couple of doughnuts shortly after? Doesn’t that entirely ruin the purpose? Unless doughnuts are sugar-free, they definitely don’t make a healthy post-workout snack.

In addition to drinking loads of water, high protein, low-fat foods are recommended after working out, to repair the muscles and replenish lost energy. So, high carb snacks like doughnuts are a big no-no. Then again, everyone has a sweet tooth, and this could simply be a motivational snack. Or this could be the gym’s strategy to get more people to join them by reminding them that you can eat whatever you want, as long as you work if off later!

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