The Most Hilarious Gym Photos You Will Ever See

Everyone knows going to the gym is not easy, but these people make it seem downright impossible. Discover the most hilarious gym photos ever snapped!

A Well-Earned Break?

Comedy Work Out Pictures

Bored Panda

We are trying to figure out where a chair comes in on a treadmill and can’t seem to find a valid answer. After all, one is supposed to be up and running, at least walking, when on the treadmill, right?

We can give her a break, though, since running is not everyone’s cup of tea, and she might have kept a chair nearby in case she needed to catch her breath. However, it might be counterproductive to sit down after a hard run, and light jogging on the spot is highly recommended. Hey, she might be a beginner who came well equipped with a break chair!

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