The Secrets and Riches of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family

Find out how Meghan Markle, the Queen, and the rest of the royal family make their money and what they spend it on!

Queen Elizabeth Comes First

Royal Family Secrets Net Worth

Joseph Sohm/Shutterstock

As you can imagine, Queen Elizabeth is the head of the royal family, as well as the Church of England and any Commonwealths. So, in terms of hierarchy, the Queen comes before anyone else. So, at dinner, Meghan Markle, Kate Middleton, and all other guests must behave accordingly, and in order.

In most families, it’s considered polite to start eating once everyone is seated correctly, but there aren’t usually rules on when to stop eating. Well, at royal’ dinners, lunches, or any other meal for that matter, when the Queen stops eating, so does everyone else. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re a member of the royal family, everybody must stop. It also doesn’t matter if you’re done or not!

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