TV Anchor and Presenter Mistakes That Will Go Down In History

TV anchors and weatherpeople make more mistakes than you realize. See the best presenter and meteorologist bloopers that viewers will remember forever!

He Got Sick

News Anchor Bloopers

Say Anything/YouTube

Every news anchor can tell you that their first day live on TV is nerve-rocking. For this rookie reporter, the stress, unfortunately, was too much to handle. What’s more, it was A.J. Clemente’s first day on the job at Bismark, North Dakota’s KFYR. Well, his first, and last, sadly. He had no idea that the news was live on-air.

Furthermore, the broadcast started off with Clemente using a lot of bad words while his co-anchor did her best to continue her report. When he finally realized they were live on-air, words stopped coming out of his mouth, and he got really sick. The only words he was able to get out of his mouth were a jumble of word soup!

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