The World’s Richest Royals and How They Spend Their Money
Did you know the British Royal Family are just some of the world’s richest royals? See who else tops the list…
17. Jordanian Royal Family – $18 Billion
Jordanian Royal Family is headed by Addullah II bin Al-Hussein, King of Jordan. He has ruled over the nation since 1999. The Jordanian Royal family has a whooping fortune of $750 million. The kign and his wife, Queen Rania have four children.
The king of Jordan liberalized the economy when he assumed the throne. Thankfully, his reforms led to an economic boom up until 2008. Futhermore, the King is famous for maintaining Jordanian stability, and for promoting interfaith dialogue and moderate understanding of Isam. He is also known as the most influential Muslim in the world. Addullah II bin Al-Hussein is the third-longest-serving Arab leader.
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