The States Americans Don’t Want To Live In Anymore (And Where They’re Moving To!)

See which states in the US people are moving out of most and why they’re leaving: from jobs to retirement!

5. Kansas

States People Are Leaving States People Are Moving From


In The Wizard of Oz Dorthy once famously said “there’s no place like home,” of Kansas. Well, many current residents don’t seem to agree and are looking for a yellow brick road that will take them out of state. Despite Kansas’ low cost of living and low unemployment rate, nearly 64% of people moving out are leaving for better jobs.

Unfortunately, the lack of income growth drives experienced, educated workers away. Plus, the state’s windy-with-a-chance-of-tornados weather doesn’t help. While Kansas isn’t for everybody, its sunset over those amber waves of grain is still spectacular! Hopefully, one day, people will fall back in love with this incredible location.

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