The States Americans Don’t Want To Live In Anymore (And Where They’re Moving To!)

See which states in the US people are moving out of most and why they’re leaving: from jobs to retirement!

1. New Jersey

States People Are Leaving States People Are Moving From

ESB Professional/Shutterstock

In case you didn’t know, the Garden State not only offers beaches but also family-friendly suburbs to raise a family. Furthermore, it also offers lots of football tailgating opportunities as both the New York Giants and the New York Jets play here. Despite all that, people are moving faster from New Jersey than any other state.

While many residents leave because of job opportunities elsewhere, others leave to find greener pastures for retirement. Even though unemployment is down and wages are up, New Jersey has a tiff cost of living, high taxes, and bad roads. But where are the people fleeting these states moving to? Read on to find out!

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