The States Americans Don’t Want To Live In Anymore (And Where They’re Moving To!)

See which states in the US people are moving out of most and why they’re leaving: from jobs to retirement!

South Carolina

States People Are Leaving States People Are Moving From


South Carolina gained approximately 39,073 people between 2016 and 2017 alone. What’ more, South Carolina attracts both young and old migrants thanks to its comfortable weather and stable economy. However, the state seems particularly popular among retirees. In fact,’s ranked South Carolina No.4 of the states that retirees are moving to.

University of South Carolina economist Joseph Von Nessen told the Post and Courier that “a good chunk of the older newcomers relocate from the Northeast in search of milder climates and lower cost of living.” However, it seems millennials are also one of the fastest-growing population groups in South Carolina.

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