The States Americans Don’t Want To Live In Anymore (And Where They’re Moving To!)

See which states in the US people are moving out of most and why they’re leaving: from jobs to retirement!

18. Utah

Moving Utah

Maria Uspenskaya/Shutterstock

Thankfully for the state, fewer people are moving out of Utah this year than last. However, it’s still losing too many for state officials’ tastes. While Utah offers breathtaking beautiful features, including snowcapped mountains and national parks filled with amazing rock formations, that’s simply not enough to persuade many people to stay.

Apparently, the search for new jobs is the main cause behind 65% of outbound moves. However, rising housing prices in Utah may also be an important part of the equation. The median price for an existing single-family home in Salt Lake City is approximately $358,000 – nearly $120,000 more than the national average!

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