Two Brothers From Michigan Finally Find Oak Island Treasure

For years, the Oak Island treasure remained undiscovered and even cursed! But now two brothers from Michigan have solved the island’s biggest mysteries…

A Bone to Pick

Two Brothers Find Oak Island Treasure

History Channel/YouTube

Soon enough, after another few months of digging, the brothers made their first gruesome finding. Believe it or not, Marty and Rick unearthed a human bone. That’s right! And what do you when you find ancient human remains? Call the experts and authorities, of course! So, that’s just what the team did.

After detailed analysis, forensics scientists determined that the bone came from someone of Middle Eastern ancestry. However, one question remained: how did this person become buried on an island off Canada’s coast? While all the evidence pointed in one direction, the Lagina brothers could not even bring themselves to say it until they had hard evidence.

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