Financial and Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Amish

Did you know there are many lessons you can learn from the Amish? From cooking to working and more learn how they live…

27. Many Helping Hands

Amish Life Lessons

hutch photography/Shutterstock

The Amish communities tend to be small and have the mentality “all in this together.” Furthermore, this doesn’t mean that the Amish people help out their friends with favors; it actually means that the wealthiest members of the community seek to “pay it forward.” Especially if we’re talking about building up their communities.

Just to give you an idea, whenever a young member of the community is looking to build a new home or a farm, often a wealthier member of the community will give a low-interest loan to help that member get up on their feet. So, with a new home or farm, the young member can give back to the community and eventually, payback to the lender.

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