Financial and Life Lessons You Can Learn From The Amish

Did you know there are many lessons you can learn from the Amish? From cooking to working and more learn how they live…

34. The Family Income

Amish Money Lessons

Richard Brunstetter/Shutterstock

Not only does raising children takes a lot of work but also a whole lot of income. Once children reach the working-aged and start their first job, they often spend their money on teenage activities such as grabbing $20 and heading to the movies. However, the money Amish teenagers make from their first job is used a little differently.

In the Amish world, working-aged teenagers are encouraged to take up a job. In addition to this, they are expected to hand over the money they earn to their parents rather than taking some for themselves. They do this so the children’s money can go toward a greater good for the entire family, for example, pitching in on groceries.

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