The Most Famous Restaurant Chains That Failed (For Good Reasons!)

Ever wonder why famous failed restaurant chains like Howard Johnson’s and D’Lites went under? Find out here!

21. Pup ‘N’ Taco

Closed Restaurant Chains


As the name clearly suggests, Pup ‘N’ Taco offered a strange combo of hot dogs and tacos. However, their rather extensive menu did not end there. The chain also served up burgers, pastrami sandwiches, and tostadas. Surprisingly though, something about the restaurant chain appealed to consumers, and it quickly grew in the late ‘60s and early ‘70s.

It seems like Pub ‘N’ Taco was actually a victim of its own success. As sales equalized in the ’80s after their big boom, another big Mexican fast food competitor emerged: Taco Bell. In the end, Taco Bell purchases almost all of the Pup ‘N’ Taco, converting them into Bell locations, effectively ending the brand in 1984.

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