These Are the Fastest Shrinking Cities in America

3. Springfield, Illinois

Fastest Shrinking Cities In America

Hilton Hotels

Believe it or not, Illinois’ cities make up almost a third of the fastest shrinking cities in the United States! With so many to pick from, let’s take a look at one of the hardest hit: the state’s capital, Springfield. You see, 2019 was the fourth consecutive year that Sangamon County, where the city is located, has seen a severe population decrease.

For years, the odds of finding a job in Springfield were good. Unfortunately, during that time, the government became “complacent” county administrator Brian McFadden told The State Journal-Register. As a result, they became reliant on these jobs, and when the numbers started decreasing dramatically, so too did the population. However, officials hope to stem, or even turn, the tide in the coming years, beginning with a small stimulus package.

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