The Secrets and Riches of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family

Find out how Meghan Markle, the Queen, and the rest of the royal family make their money and what they spend it on!

Eating Habits

Royal Family Secrets Net Worth


The Queen’s eating schedule isn’t the only food rule that Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle need to adhere to. Believe it or not, the Queen also dictates what the rest of the royal family can and cannot eat. For instance, mussels and oysters are off the table! We hope the Duchesses are not big fans of those particular foods. However, to be fair, it is for their own wellness.

These foods are forbidden for the same reason doctors recommend young people, seniors, and pregnant women not eat them. You see, these foods spoil very quickly. So, fearing the possible health risk, the royals don’t eat them, at all. However, Garlic is also off the table, but not for any scientific reason. They don’t eat garlic because Queen Elizabeth apparently hates it!

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