The Secrets and Riches of Meghan Markle and the Royal Family
Find out how Meghan Markle, the Queen, and the rest of the royal family make their money and what they spend it on!
Prince Philip Receives A Big Chunk
As the Queen’s husband of more than 70 years, Prince Philip is worth a modest $30 million. Before he retired from his official position of Duke of Edinburgh back in 2017 at the age of 96, Prince Philip received a yearly salary worth $500,000 to compensate his royal duties. Prince Philip even reportedly joked about being “the world’s most expensive plaque-unveiler.”
But now retired, how does the Prince make money? Well, Prince Philip’s finances stem from the Duchy of Lancaster. Furthermore, as a husband to Queen Elizabeth, the Prince also has access to the funds earned by the estate. What’s more, Prince Philip apparently loves art and has collected painting throughout his lifetime. While it remains unclear how much his personal art collection is worth, chances are it is a significant part of his fortune.
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